Speed Limiters
Speed limiters, also described as speed governors, are devices that interact with a truck engine to permit the attainment of a pre-programmed maximum speed. Speed limiters are electronic controlled modules (ECM) that are capable of limiting the maximum speed. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, safety groups, and large carriers have been pushing for a speed limiter mandate on commercial motor vehicle for years because of proposed safety benefits. In response, FMCSA gave a contract to a company called MainWay Services to conduct research on the safety benefits of speed limiters. In December 2010, FMCSA released their findings in a "draft final report." The report however did not support any safety benefits stating, "because of data limitations and data quality, the research team could not definitively attribute the effect to the presence of an active (speed limiter)." The results evidently were not what FMCSA anticipated and anoth...